4. Castor Oil and Baking Soda:
A paste made from castor oil and baking soda can be an effective way to remove moles. Mix both ingredients to form a thick paste and apply it to the affected area. Secure it with a bandage and leave it on overnight. This method can be repeated daily until the mole shows signs of improvement.
5. Pineapple Juice:
Pineapple juiceâs natural acids can dissolve mole tissues. Dab fresh pineapple juice onto the mole using a cotton ball. Allow it to dry naturally and repeat this process multiple times a day.
6. Aloe Vera:
Aloe vera is well known for its skin-healing properties and can be used to remove moles. Apply fresh aloe vera gel directly to the mole and cover it with a bandage. Leave the bandage on for several hours, and repeat this treatment daily.
7. Honey:
Honey has natural healing and antibacterial properties, so it can be a good option for mole removal. Apply a small amount of honey to the mole and cover it with a bandage. Repeat this process daily for the best results.