Ingredients: for a rolled log for 10 people:
For the rolled hazelnut biscuit:
– 4 eggs
– 120 g sugar
– 80 g flour
– 40 g hazelnut powder
For the chocolate ganache:
– 250 g dark chocolate
– 250 g liquid cream (I took whole because it’s better, but it also works with light)
– 50 g butter
Step: 1
We start with the ganache because we will have to give it time to cool and harden.
Step: 2
Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a bain-marie. At the same time, heat the liquid cream.
Step: 3
Pour the liquid cream over the chocolate, in 3 times, mixing well after each addition.
Step: 4
Add the butter in pieces and mix to melt it.