Salt, a kitchen staple, can be a powerful cleaning agent for removing burnt-on residue from the base of your frying pans. Here are a few methods to utilize salt for cleaning:
Salt and Sugar Scrub: Mix salt with sugar and apply the mixture to the dampened area that needs cleaning. After applying, spray a little water over the mixture and let it sit for a few minutes. Gently scrub with a sponge afterward.
Salt and Vinegar Treatment: Sprinkle salt directly onto the affected area. For enhanced cleaning power, spray white vinegar over the salted area. Allow the mixture to work its magic, then gently scrub and rinse thoroughly. The saltâs abrasive properties combined with the vinegarâs acidity help break down grime.
Sponge Soak Method: Soak a sponge in lukewarm water, add a drop of dish detergent, and sprinkle with fine salt. This creates a gentle yet effective scrubbing pad that can loosen burnt-on residue without scratching your cookware. Rub the affected area and rinse well after cleaning.
Tips for Best Results:
Always allow the pan to cool completely before attempting to clean it.
Test a small area first if youâre concerned about damaging the panâs surface.
By following these methods, you can keep your cookware in great condition and ensure it lasts for years to come.
lean it.
Test a small area first if youâre concerned about damaging the panâs surface.
By following these methods, you can keep your cookware in great condition and ensure it lasts for years to come.