Apple Cider Vinegar Trap
You will need to:
â Apple cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar â Dishwashing liquid â A glass bowl â Plastic wrap â A toothpick.
Pour 2-3 cm of apple cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar into the bowl. Then add a few drops of dishwashing liquid and shake to dissolve. If you place the bowl in the infested area at night, you will find many dead insects the next day. The darkness and coolness of the night seem to attract them more.
Flies and other insects are attracted to vinegar because of its smell, which is reminiscent of rotting fruit. When they come to feed, they are drowned by the cleaning agent.
Fruit trap:
Place an old piece of unpeeled fruit in the bowl. Cover it tightly with cling film. Poke lots of small holes in the plastic with a toothpick. Fruit flies will enter the trap without being able to get out.
2 â Spray 100% natural
It is a simple, chemical-free and inexpensive solution to get rid of these unwelcome guests once and for all.
â Âœ glass of vinegar â Âœ glass of olive oil â Âœ glass of shampoo.
How to use:
Pour the 3 ingredients into a spray bottle and shake the mixture. Simply spray the liquid in different corners of the house.
3 â A repellent with lavender essential oil
Put a few drops of lavender essential oil on a sponge, place it in a place frequented by flies and let it do its work. Repeat the process when the smell has disappeared.
4- A natural repellent with lemon and cloves
This old-fashioned trick consists of cutting a lemon (preferably green) in half and then sticking about fifteen cloves into each side. The mixture of the two perfumes is a natural repellent against mosquitoes and flies. After a few days, the lemon pulp will change color and take on a brownish hue. This process should be repeated every week.
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