A Simple Trick for Easy Needle Threading – All You Need Is a Bottle Cap


Cut the Bottle Cap in Half: Take the bottle cap and very carefully cut the top edge of the cap. This will create a hole for you to thread the wire through.
Shape the Wire: Take a thin wire and shape one end into a hook. This hook will be the one that will hold the thread and thread it through the eye of the needle.
Insert the Wire into the Bottle Cap: Thread the end of the wire with the hook through the hole you created in the bottle cap. Make sure the hook is inside the cap.
Use the Makeshift Threader: Now place the needle and then the end of the thread into the hook of the wire inside the bottle cap. Gently pull the wire outward, pulling the thread through the hole in the cap. You will see how easily the thread will thread through!
And that’s it! You have created your own makeshift threader using a bottle cap and thin wire. Now you will be able to thread the needle with no problem.
With this handy trick, you can enjoy sewing without having to struggle to thread your needle. Try this technique and experience the convenience of using a makeshift threader made from a bottle cap!



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